Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Where has time gone? I mean it's almost February already!!! I know I planned on getting back to blogging, I just seem to run out of time with all that goes on working full time and raising 5 kids! Today I wanted to talk about motivation and where you might find some! 

I have given myself so much guilt over the money I have spent trying to lose weight, I have yet got to my goal weight in all the years I have tried to lose weight. I've spent money on personal trainers, fad diets, weight watchers, gym memberships, and fitness gadgets. The most recent big expense is the Nike fuel band. The hubs and I got the newest version when it was released (can't remember when). The purchase cost $150. Ouch!!! Todd set a goal of a year streak beginning 2014, we have both slipped up so we will not start 2015 with the streak but this time next year we are hopeful to have that 365 day streak!!! 

I don't know what finally kicked in for me, but I'm typing this as I walk circles in my house to get to goal!!! Tonight will make I believe 13 days that I've met goal!!! This week Todd and I have taken 2-3 mile walks together just so I can hit my goal. It's nice being alone together to just chat, last night we walked to the store so I could buy a bottle of wine! I've also been properly logging my WW points! Guess what the scale has gone down 2 weeks in a row!

What motivates you? A gadget, clothes, upcoming ball, your scale? Here's my little motivator. 

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