Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another day down

Well maybe I should have another title for this day because as "diet" wise it wasn't the best day ever. I did make quinoa for the first time, I mixed it with frozen green giant veggies and pink beans. It didn't really seem to have a taste but was cute little circles. I have three other jars of unknown healthy grains, I think they are bulgar, wheatberries, and who the hell knows what. I am thinking I need to pack the jars in my purse and go to Henrys to identify the unknown grain so i may make it someday.....I decided to talk on the phone instead of running today, but yet told myself I would make it to the gym at some point today for cardio HAHAHAHHAHAHAH we all know how those intentions go. I did do gravity class again, I love Dino the instructor! I will keep going, so those in san diego it is t/th 10 am 32nd st base. I think I am even going to venture to take Kettleball classes! So besides eating some unaccounted for almonds I went to Dennys for girls night out. Coffee, hashbrowns, egg whites, whole wheat pancakes, and worst of all loaded baked potato soup!!! I don't feel like a stuffed pig but I should have ate better...ugh. I did take my final today and went to the high school fair for my oldest son. WTH my son is starting high school in Sept!!! OMG! Anyhow tomorrow is free eye exam clinic in National City for my community health class that doesn't officially start till Monday. I am wondering if my old business attired fits...ugh I hope so! well off to bed I go, thankfully hubby got the night off so I get to go to bed with him! Yay!!! Until tomorrow....which I need to find a workout to do tomorrow still yet....maybe kettleball basics??? who knows, but I will tell you all tomorrow what I did!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anna...I heard those kettleball stuff is a good workout! I did it once with a friend, and I burned and had a good sweat going! Food is always a problem with me...mainly asian food, anything with rice!
