Sunday, February 12, 2012

sunday, new week

I still have residual of a head cold, I usually don't get sick but I think working nights wrecks my immune system.  Last night I went to my first ever comedy show, Angela Johnson famous for the nail salon bit she did. It was pretty fun, went with some girlfriends and since some people couldn't go Todd was able to come with. It is still fun after 11 years to share "firsts" with him, I think going to a NFL game with him as a first is still runner up though!

I know everyone has rules about stepping on a scale, but man I have a problem. I step on that scale every time I am naked or close to being naked. So far it is showing I have a gain and I think it is because I am not being so diligent, but I am trying to get more focused and better.

This week I have skipped drinking coffee and substituting hot tea, preferably green tea and although pricier I love Yogi tea because I like to read the motivational tabs LOL. Yesterday's tag the purpose of life is to enjoy every moment!

Lastly I added a new kitchen tool to my collection this weekend, a kitchen aid immersion blender! I bought it so I could make the spicy carrot bisque from here. OMG soooooo good!!!!! I put it in my WW recipe builder it came out to 2 points for 1 cup, and just a hint for anyone looking for white pepper since I looked for it at Target, Trader Joes, and finally was successful at Sprouts (aka Henrys) and it was in bulk spices only get a little especially at $19/lb.  Todd and I had it for lunch and I have 3 (2 cup) servings frozen for lunches! I can not wait to go to Costco and get a container of greek yogurt and try adding the 1/2c to it for more food with less points and all that protein! have a great week!!!!

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